• tell-a-gram telegram

    Often referred to as a JOYFUL ASSAULT, this is our interpretation of old-timey telegrams. You know, the things sent over Western Union wires? Imagine that, plus balloons, a song blasting on our boom box, erratic dancing and maybe some flowers or donuts?!? Most importantly, a message from YOU, read off of a giant scroll of paper the recipient gets to keep. WE WILL SAY ANYTHING!*

    *we also could and will refuse to say some things

  • show + tell

    The same show + tell of our youth but hosted by us. It’s a connective group activity that can be done almost anywhere - home, office, classroom, park!

  • temporary nuts

    There are exactly 6 people who were at the inception of Temporary Nuts. However, it was only the 2 of us who took what was a theoretical inside joke and turned it into a deliberately confusing performance and, ultimately, an absurd study of our relationship with impermanence and inconvenience. It pops up from time to time on street corners, art openings or your kid’s birthday party.