Frequently Asked Questions:

  • -Can you change the font to make it look more serious?
    -Have you found a job yet?
    -When are you coming to visit me?
    -Did you get the newspaper article I sent?
    -What about the YouTube link?

  • -Who’s in charge?
    -Have you eaten?
    -What day is it?
    -Is this/are we/what is ART?

  • -Why not focus on ONE thing?
    Because we did that already and we are dynamic individuals who do not want to limit ourselves or the help we can offer.

    -How can we support you even if we don’t need any of your services?
    First of all, we encourage you to expand your idea of when a balloon is needed. Second, just tell your friends about us! Recommend us at parties! Suggest us to your dentist!

    -Do you always do everything together? We work together whenever time and budgets allow because it’s more fun that way and we truly believe that our work turns out better when we do it together! That said, we each have specific areas where we excel and so sometimes one of us is all you need.

    -Why are there so many names? Are they different businesses?